Saturday, January 30, 2016

Inspiring the World through Writing
Journal Journey # 6

         I had a dilemma before in choosing my course. I didn't know what my heart desired at all. Do I have to be business-oriented or service-oriented? It's easy to make money if you're in the business world. But in the realm of service, your life would be the price. 
      We all have our dreams in life. Some of us want to be engineers, nurses, professional teachers, accountants, businessmen, or even go to abroad. But have you dreamed to be a ‘servant’? Have you ever dreamed of performing duties, working and serving for all your life? Well, you can ambition sitting on a chair as a CEO of a company or a Branch Manager of a mall waiting for reports of transaction and sales, thus gaining wealth. But how about instead of sitting, you choose to stand and helping others out and giving them everything they need, thus making a difference?
       Of all the famous professions that the world has, ‘servanthood’ and ‘leadership; are God’s favourite! In His eyes, the greatest position is being a ‘servant’ and the greatest job is being a ‘leader’. For Jesus Christ, to be a leader is to be a servant, because leadership is all about servanthood. If you want to be the greatest, learn to take the lowest position. Well, as far as I am concerned, my journey’s aim is not to gain titles nor awards or applause; instead, my desire is to take the humblest task: to be a leader under a servant's robe.

       Talking about servanthood and leadership, we should apply these illustrations. Say NO to be a boss. Say YES to be leader:

“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” 
(Matthew 20:26–28)
#ServantLeadership #ChangingWorldThroughWriting

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