Friday, January 15, 2016



A filthy garment she always wore,
Nothing to boast, not even a coin
Through muddy paths this lady trudged,
Dreamt of a life where sorrows are gone

Tears would flow from those lovely eyes,
Like a stream of water these diamonds slipped by
Hope was as flimsy as a needle could be,
When would a banquet invite her to feast?

One day, as she held a hefty jar of clay,
A good-looking man approached and made the day
He wore a royal robe with a majestic crest on his head,
“What brought you here, Your Highness?” she said.

She never knew that love had won her
How impossible a prince would fell in love with a pauper?
Though rugged she looked, he said, “You’re beautiful”
More than a fairy tale story this romantic moment did befall!

The time had come for the Bridegroom to unite with the Bride,
At all turns he never left her side
Though she’s undeserving and bore the stench of her history,
This weary woman is not the bride that he sees

Remember the day when God left the splendor of Heaven
Oh, how can it be that the King would die for men?
Amidst guilt and shame that all of us bear,
He shall clothe us with white robes to proclaim we are His forever!

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