Friday, January 15, 2016


(A Monumental Poesy for My Family)

Of all the beautiful gifts that I’ve received,
They’re incomparable and more precious than jewels
I may not be able to write the loveliest poem for my kindred,
My heart can assure it shall utter words worth more than a thousand epistles!

One lovely couple met underneath the shade of the moonlight,
Confessed their love for each other, believed ‘love at first sight’
Through thick and thin, with delight, they fulfilled their vows,
Yielded seven beloved fruits and built a well-founded house

The clock took the moment to cease its time,
Like there’s no end, but endless days
The waters blew its cold breeze into the terrain,
Yet love made a way, gave its warmth in solace

They never knew what the future holds,
But as long as they had each other, greater things seemed to unfold
Time passed by and the esteemed picture frame faded,
Some things changed and that’s inevitable, I learned

The offspring grew healthy, wise and auspicious,
But Ma and Pa, in conflict, became suspicious
Jealousy seemed to hold sway, building lofty fences,
When would the battle halt, and them – accepting second chances?

‘Til it was my earnest prayer to the Almighty,
And God answered my plea, in a turn He alone knows the reason
Though Pa’s not at home habitually, he always has it inside me,
They’re friends, but when they’ll be the same before again?

Amidst all my family’s ups and downs,
We never left each other’s arms
Every step of the way, every hour of every day,
Love gathers our hearts in ways too far for words can say

I believe one day inside a church where God sees and hears,
Where hymns of praise and His lovely presence dwells
He will fulfill what He has promised and move remarkably,
That me and my whole family shall come with joy completely.

The waiting meets the promise... and forever live in bliss.

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