Saturday, January 16, 2016

'The Story Behind Poetry'
Journal Journey #5

             POETRY is as old as man. It existed for thousands of years. Its existence would never go this far if it's not that significant to our daily lives. Why would man compose plain texts which could be merely a waste of time? No, poetry means a lot. In ancient times, poems were musical compositions, recorded prayers, reportage of history, stories and tales of love. They weren't meant merely for competitions or fulfillment of class requirement. Poems were true expressions of sincere hearts. Actually, there's no beauty in poetry. What makes it beautiful is the hand who composes it. It exists because of man himself. Man loves to express, and poetry became the way. If you are to ask why a certain poem is so lovely and magnificent, don't just analyze its structure and form. Rather, examine the heart that created it! You wonder why famous poets were indeed prominent? They didn't just publish their compositions for the sake of duty. They wrote their life stories through ordinary pens and papers! Poetry was their way of living. Now, hear their voices!

Hi Maam! ^_^ You're an inspiration to all of us!

        Those 3 original poems that I've made were expressions bloomed from my heart. I enjoyed writing them since the very last week of December 2015 'til the 2nd week of January 2016. They mean a lot to me. I may not have written the greatest poem ever, but I believe that whoever may have the chance to read them, they'll be able to embrace the sincerest expression and intention of the writer. Behind those words patterned in its required structure and form, there dwells a story that could change a lonely world! To God be all the glory!

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