Saturday, January 9, 2016

'A Thousand Moments inside the Bottle'
Journal Journey #4

     Character sketching is like walking on a shore, grasping the fresh breeze of the ocean while trudging on the countless sands. 'Til I found a bottle pushed by the waves toward the seaside. It had a blank piece of paper inside. Well, just have to write a monologue and try reminiscing a person - her character and personality. Oh, this scenario just made my writing a bit fancy. Character sketching revealed how much I recognize a particular person; how she talked, her expressions and attributes.  How profound is my knowledge on portraying him/her? Shall I be able to illustrate the persona without going beyond the boundaries? Thanks to this kind of writing activity! This help me develop more of painting a character's being on a canvas in a vivid way. Moreover, it's an essential note for me to learn more of point-of-views. The taste of a writing  varies because of this skill. 
    I chose my mother for the reason that I just love how she unveils her personality no matter how strange someone could be to her. Yet words are not enough for description. I even could give a mere glimpse of her. All that I can say is she's the best! I couldn't ask for more. I do love how she perceives the world. There's a treasure chest of wisdom inside our home because of her. Hope I had shown her in the monologue vividly. This is just the beginning of cultivating my skill. Inspiration is indeed a good motivation in writing. In a case, you could thought that your papers are not enough to put all your descriptions of a person. 

Now that I'm done writing the monologue on the paper, I should put it back inside the bottle. There are countless moments written on it. But I won't throw the bottle into the sea, no. I should keep it. The waves gave it to me, but it's God who sent. Haay, another activity was through. But there's a lot more! Thanks to Professor Montallana for these worthwhile activites! God bless us all! #CharacterSketch #MoreThanWords

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