Friday, January 15, 2016



A misty pathway shrouds what tomorrow brings,
But behind me are the timeless myriad learnings
Amidst life’s stormy winds and raging seas,
On the other side of the lake dwell anchored hope and undying peace

Teach me life’s brevity to number my days,
‘Cause time is like a wind that passes and does not return
Like a flower that blooms and withers soon,
Like a morning mist that appears and vanishes away

Tho’, man’s glory is found in every time he rises,
There’s a rainbow after the storm advances
Those weary eyes will see the splendor of the silver linings,
‘Cause after all, he could still have new beginnings.

Tears fell from burning cheeks were doubtlessly enough,
They, indeed, are treasured like refined diamonds in the eyes of God
Torn clothes, you wore, this journey had brought about,
 Now put on the new self, put the old one off

Learn from the past, prepare for the future,
But the present is as important for us to reassure
Press on toward the goal of winning the prize,
‘Cause a new door has been opened of opportunities that’ll never die.

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