Sunday, December 27, 2015

'TIS THE SEASON: A Christmas Diary

One of the dates in the calendar that I always find my anticipation with is 'December 25'. Obviously, everybody knows the tradition. But I'm talking beyond this customary practice that the world does when it bangs that day. Well, it's very nice to spend the season with our families and friends. However, it's nicer to reminisce the first Noel (early modern English synonym of"Christmas") and take a fellowship with the One who truly is the reason for the celebration - #JESUS Thank God He added me these precious moments in my life - together with my #LovedOnes ;)

Dec. 20, 2015 - SFCA Christmas Party

That was a blast! The Fame Hotel was filled with jubilation and amusement! (By the way, with me on the picture is indeed a warrior of God, Ptr. Simon Abundo, my spiritual mentor). Yahoo! We won the singing and dancing competitions. But never I thought of them as contests. I just had to give my best and let God do the rest! Owe it all to Him <3
Also, I received my gift from my special someone - a diary copybook for the year 2016. I'll make it as my prayer notebook. This would be a big help for me to do the 'War Room' thing - prayer strategy! By the way, the one who received the 'Devotional Book' I gave appreciated it well. I would love to see her reading the entries daily. That book is really encouraging and promising!

Dec. 22, 2015 - Samaritan's Purse Inc.: Facilitators' Appreciation Day and Closeout Activity

After the life-changing activity done at Samar National School (SNS) last Oct. 10 regarding the D.A.R.E. (Dahil Ako'y Responsableng Estudyante) Campaign spearheaded by the Samaritan's Purse Inc., the said int'l organization surprised the facilitators with a delicate buffet served at Cafe Rosario, and token as well. Pastors also joined. The Coordinator vividly discussed the graphical representations of the result of the said activity. Truly, the campaign held did a great impact to the life of the students! #PraiseGod

These are the gifts the coordinator gave to us. 2 Lovestruck books (Red and Black; Hoping I could collect other editions!), a MUG (My Ultimate God) from PCBS and SP's calendar. Awesome! #SamaritansPurse #GodlyService #LoveFacis

Dec. 23, 2015 - My 19th Birhday! Hooray for today!

I love my birthday cake. My churchmates gave it to me as they did their surprise (and I was really surprised with a loud acclamation of 'wow!' haha) Time seems to have its way as swift as I never expect it would. But thank God for reminding me to number my days (Psalm 90:12). "I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being" (Psalm 104:33).

This was how we designed the place. It was simple yet special for me. Those balloons made me feel a bit childish (Haha!) I played Planetshaker's #LetsGo album for a lively atmosphere. The crepe papers were well-patterned. I just love them all!

A big thanks to my family, churchmates, social media friends, classmates, and above all GOD, for these moments I had that day which I will never ever forget! Love y'all! #ThankYouForTheLove <3

PS: Gotcha! Hahahaha These are my buddies, lovely servants of God! They ate well actually (especially that good-humored black-haired girl -Jesh Pacuma- carrying my nephew) Haha Thank you guys for dropping by! I loved the way you surprised me with the whipped cream cake. That was priceless! :D

Dec. 25, 2015 - MERRY CHRISTMAS! #ASaviorHasCome #JESUS

In the most ordinary of settings but most extraordinary of circumstances, a very special Baby was born. God's love was made manifest, and the potential for our relationship with Him took a whole new turn! "Don't let this time pass us by without some special moments in the presence of the One who makes it extraordinary. Thank God for His Son - His Gift too WONDERFUL for words." #JoyousChristmas #SaviorJesus

I have an extraordinary family! Before the midnight celebration, me, Mom along with my sisters and cousins prepared the buffet and made things up. We contacted and greeted our relatives who are in distant places. To better feel the atmosphere, I opened my Bible and started reading Luke 2 - the birth of Jesus. My heart was renewed at that time and touched on how God demonstrated His unconditional and endless love toward man. Then, I played the album of Christ Tomlin - 'Adore' - via Youtube. I would love to repeat the playlist of songs 'cause they're heartrending, songs that tell Christ's first coming! #ChristmasInOurHearts

Yeeey! I thank all the persons who extended their love on me. I admire these gifts! Thank you very much! I couldn't ask for more, more particularly knowing that I have #JESUS in my life. He's the Greatest Gift of all!

 "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you!" [Luke 1:28]
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests." [Luke 2:14]
"The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which we just as they had been told." [Luke 2:20]

#MerryChristmas #Diary2015 #JESUS #GreatestGift


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