Tuesday, December 1, 2015

'In True Love'
Journal Journey #1

  Skimming through the pages of Gordon O. Martinborough's book entitled 'I Love You', my fingers unexpectedly pointed towards these three words: 'in true love'. What could it mean to me? If I am to be asked with its definition, well it's beyond reasons. Words are not enough to express. But our hearts have the language to utter so. 

I searched for true love before. I thought it kinda easy to be found. Well, I'm not just talking about 'relationships' but life matters more particularly. Material things, as I was expecting, would adequately fill that empty vessel of mine. Yet, I merely received a drop of satisfaction. Things got worse when I disregarded people's affection. I was like staying on a dark room where lights could sparingly be seen. Time passed by, my heart could no longer remain empty - it needs for more. I searched for love, but I failed. But then I realized one great truth: it wasn't me who did the first move. LOVE SEARCHED FOR ME!

If you are drowning now of confusion and doubts, there's a hand ready to rescue you - the hands of Jesus. Everybody knows Him, but only few understands His love. He demonstrated to me what's true love. He taught me how to love authentically. He commanded me to love unconditionally. For me, 'true love' could never be defined by words; it's beyond definition. But it can be reflected to the One who authored it. The only one who can satisfy your heart is the one who made it. You couldn't give what you don't have. That's why, you must first experience filling your vessel with an overflowing 'LOVE' and then you'll be able to share it to someone who needs it. Beyond the words of 'I love you', let your action says so!

I love my family.
I love my friends.
I love my studies.
I love my guitar.
I love books.
I love adventure movies.
I love travelling and photographing.
I love serving.
Are they enough? No, not yet.
Let your uttermost declaration be: 'I love the Lover of all loves!'
That's your story to tell. Let the whole world know about it!

How 'bout you? Tell me yours too!

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