Saturday, December 12, 2015

 Imagining...'Til Things Become Real!
Journal Journey #2

Bumper Sticker. It left me astounded to concede the fact that this small adherent stuff could change the image of an entire car! Well, the second activity we did in accord to writing creatively was a bit challenging on my part. We were asked to create our own bumper sticker and make some suppositions or brief story in relation to this. I'm a bit of being a realist when it comes to such matter, not that riveted in imagining. At first, it took me moments before yielding a story imaginatively. I, then, realized things while working on the task. I saw myself on the mirror of the future, the kind of a person that I could be, along with my 'luxurious car'. Basically, it's kinda a tough thing to include the experiences of your senses and presume in an exact way. Nevertheless, this activity was fun! It made me to be an 'international speaker' (as what my created scenario says so) even just for a moment. Everything is possible to those who believe [Mark 9:23]. But even though I'll not be able to have a car, it'll never change the fact that God has in store greater things in my life!
My bumper sticker goes this way: Stop! Pray First.
Often times, we tend to be carried away by the busyness of life. Travels hither and thither. Appointments seem to hold sway. And while driving your car, you forget to do this very significant communion with God - #PRAYER. It's very powerful. It changes everything. It makes the impossible possible. It'll guide you to the right path. As far as I am concerned, it's better to have bumper stickers that can lead a person, not just give information. You car is not just simple a vehicle. It could reflect your own character, your own self. Well, thanks to this kind of an activity. This will not just be a mere dream. Imaginations can be real!

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” ― Albert Einstein

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