Sunday, February 7, 2016

Journal Journey # 7
by: Jeff Harold Uy

Many of us recognize him
For he was the man who bore our sins
But only few know the other part of the story
The life he had before carrying the mercy tree

He grew up like a tender shoot
Out of dry ground appeared like a root
He had no beauty or majesty
But inside his heart was love and amity

He was despised and rejected by men
A man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering
He was crushed for our iniquities
Pierced for our transgressions and felony

With all the anguish and affliction
Arose peace, healing and salvation
The body he offered and his blood that shed
Are hopes we hold and promise we enfold

We all, like sheep, have gone astray
Each of us has turned to his own way
But He is our Shepherd and guide
By no means we’ll be lost, but be in His side

See whose hands have the scars of grace
The man of sorrows, now the man of praise
Yesterday, today and forever be the same
This I remember, JESUS is His name.

    I want to make this blog as a museum of my works. That's why, it would be my delight to include this poem I wrote. Well, this is different. This is a reflection of Isaiah 53. It tells the other part of the story of Jesus - of who He was and what He did. As you read, just open your heart and imagine the scenarios offered by the poem. 'Tis true, 'tis true, that Christ died for me and you! :')

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