Sunday, February 28, 2016

This week, I've been pondering with this question - what on earth am I here for? Could this life be a mishap of time or we're here for a purpose still to be discovered? While I was looking at the sky, at the same time meditating this life's big question, I suddenly saw a bird soaring high, freely embracing the companionship of the wind. I knew it was God's answer for me. Birds have wings - and they're perfectly designed to fly. So as man, we're here for a specific purpose. We were created by God and for God!

by Jeff Harold Uy
Journal Journey # 10

One day, at the break of dawn, a skilled potter arose
Got off from the bed and went to the place he always chose
He wore a cloth ready to be grubbed by the clay
Smiled blissfully ‘cause he knew this would made his day

As soon as his hands were wrapped with warmness
He kneaded the raw clay and did the molding process
Though it took his time, shaping the formless jar
He said, “I’ve created something more wondrous than a star!”

The potter baked the clay until it was hard
         He painted and glazed it as to what he truly desired         
A treasure he had, he put inside his masterpiece
Oh, t’was a lovely day with moments that’ll never cease

God is the skilled potter, and we are his clay
We’re all the work of His hand since the birth of the day
He molded us beautifully, more wondrous than a star
Though breakable we are, His treasure shall remain in this jar

Remember that you’re not a mistake nor a mishap of time
The hands that molded you are the hands that created the skies
You were born to lead, to serve and to strive
Thus, in the potter alone you’ll know the mystery of life!

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