Saturday, February 13, 2016

Journal Journey #8

You and I are not very different from this flower. Just as this flower is made to add color to the world, you are also. However, students often see the world as it is.  One may say, “I’m sufficed with mediocrity. I won’t aim for higher. If I’m okay, I’m okay!” other would do self-talk and bring out words, “We couldn't do something with it. Let’s just go with the flow and accept the fact.”

A misty pathway shrouds the road towards change. And you may ask me “why?” Students, nowadays, are struggling with depression, financial constraint, sexual issues and baneful vices, hindrances that make the youth kept from seeing the silver linings, and stagnant with regards to transformation.

In the 100% world population, 1% are only college students. And they are meant to be influencers of the other 99%, to be makers of difference and world changers. But most of the times, students are painters, painting on a wrong canvas. They are visionaries but not missionaries at all. They often constructing buildings not on a rock, but on a sand. Will we be sufficed with mediocrity? Will we accept the fact and just go with the flow?

Imagine the trees of the mountains. A storm doesn't stop them from growing, but it makes them strong. The fishes underneath the sea are not afraid of the raging wave ‘cause they know that wherever it would take them, they still know how to swim. And the eagles, they fly above the storm, not to entertain it, but to overcome it.

How much more with us, intellectual, moral, spiritual beings, currently considered as ‘University Students’. You may not be able to change the whole world, but you can change your world. Never believe in impossibilities. Beneath the rocky surface of life is often a bud waiting to blossom.

Never see the world as it is. See the world as what it can be!
Fill it with love, soar like a dove.
I am loved by the God of all loves!

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