Saturday, February 20, 2016

'More than Chocolates and Flowers'
Journal Journey #9
       Red stuffs were sold out - red cartolinas, red roses, red couple shirts, red cards and the like. I was even wondering who colored the heart shape with red? Why February 14 is full of sweets and February 15 not? Any ways, I will not be just talking about red. I am going to testify what God did last Sunday! 

      That was the most romantic moment, perfect for the holiday of love. Well, she's the most beautiful bride I've ever seen! Not just because of the adorable gown that she wore nor the make up she had, but because of the kind of heart that she has that won her husband's love. 
    While sitting on a chaise longue, I remembered what she said to me before that it was just a dream for her to have such wedding. All of us got teary seeing her standing before God and making lifetime vows to her groom, and the groom to the bride.
       After that, we went to Casa Cristina where the reception was held. The food was great, the program was fun and the atmosphere was lovely. I haven't seen my family 'kiligin' like that when the two kissed each other once again. Well, one of the highlights of the program was giving the heartfelt message of the kindred. I hoped that I could spend more time inside the function hall, but I had also an important appointment to work on. Yey! I've got pictures with the newly weds. I'll treasure them of course, and in this blog too! #TheWedding

       More than 70 students engaged with the intensive and multi-track training of SSU - Chi Alpha Organization held at Souls for Christ Assembly (SFCA) Church and the ultimate activity and Awarding Ceremony at Samar State University Audiovisual Centre (SSU-AVC). Students are now ready for campus values-transformation, mobilization for evangelism, vision fulfilment and world changing. 

We would like to extend this heartfelt gratitude to our dearest Adviser, Prof. Naomi Jabonete, SFCA YPs, XA Officers, the University, and above all, the LORD! But before this successful activity happened, let me tell you first the testing and moldings we've encountered hours prior to the event. 

Early Sunday morning of Feb 14, there was a sign of huge precipitation, but it never ceased us in attending the Service. Then I attended my sister's wedding. 1 hour to go before the Chi Alpha Leadership Training's Close-out Activity and Awarding Ceremony, and everything was fine. Ours, at that time, was just to step onto that AV centre and do set-ups. 'Til I received a call and text that there was no power at the AVC. I was shocked with the news and thought that the communication letter was already approved, and the arrangement of the schedule and venue got fixed. But would the awaited event be halted for now and be rescheduled? I prayed to God to reveal His heart for me. I waited for God's answer and anticipated for the updates. After a few minutes, I received a text, and - Yahoo! Praise God! Jessa texted me and she said the power returned! That was a big sigh for me. Another victory has come. Another great testimony for the world to hear! All glory belongs to Him!

"We are a movement of multiplying disciples, reconciling students to Christ, transforming the family, campus, the marketplace and the world." This is our Vision. This is who we are!

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:14-16)

      Indeed, what happened was more than giving and receiving chocolates and flowers. These are priceless and lasting God-given victories! Well, lately, I mentioned about my wondering on the heart's red color. I believe the reason why it's colored red is because of Christ's blood poured at the cross. And that's the greatest message of love I've ever known - the only King who willingly died for His men <3

To God be all the glory! #Feb14 #RomanticWedding #XALT2016 #JESUS #UnendingLove

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