Saturday, January 30, 2016

Inspiring the World through Writing
Journal Journey # 6

         I had a dilemma before in choosing my course. I didn't know what my heart desired at all. Do I have to be business-oriented or service-oriented? It's easy to make money if you're in the business world. But in the realm of service, your life would be the price. 
      We all have our dreams in life. Some of us want to be engineers, nurses, professional teachers, accountants, businessmen, or even go to abroad. But have you dreamed to be a ‘servant’? Have you ever dreamed of performing duties, working and serving for all your life? Well, you can ambition sitting on a chair as a CEO of a company or a Branch Manager of a mall waiting for reports of transaction and sales, thus gaining wealth. But how about instead of sitting, you choose to stand and helping others out and giving them everything they need, thus making a difference?
       Of all the famous professions that the world has, ‘servanthood’ and ‘leadership; are God’s favourite! In His eyes, the greatest position is being a ‘servant’ and the greatest job is being a ‘leader’. For Jesus Christ, to be a leader is to be a servant, because leadership is all about servanthood. If you want to be the greatest, learn to take the lowest position. Well, as far as I am concerned, my journey’s aim is not to gain titles nor awards or applause; instead, my desire is to take the humblest task: to be a leader under a servant's robe.

       Talking about servanthood and leadership, we should apply these illustrations. Say NO to be a boss. Say YES to be leader:

“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” 
(Matthew 20:26–28)
#ServantLeadership #ChangingWorldThroughWriting

Saturday, January 16, 2016

'The Story Behind Poetry'
Journal Journey #5

             POETRY is as old as man. It existed for thousands of years. Its existence would never go this far if it's not that significant to our daily lives. Why would man compose plain texts which could be merely a waste of time? No, poetry means a lot. In ancient times, poems were musical compositions, recorded prayers, reportage of history, stories and tales of love. They weren't meant merely for competitions or fulfillment of class requirement. Poems were true expressions of sincere hearts. Actually, there's no beauty in poetry. What makes it beautiful is the hand who composes it. It exists because of man himself. Man loves to express, and poetry became the way. If you are to ask why a certain poem is so lovely and magnificent, don't just analyze its structure and form. Rather, examine the heart that created it! You wonder why famous poets were indeed prominent? They didn't just publish their compositions for the sake of duty. They wrote their life stories through ordinary pens and papers! Poetry was their way of living. Now, hear their voices!

Hi Maam! ^_^ You're an inspiration to all of us!

        Those 3 original poems that I've made were expressions bloomed from my heart. I enjoyed writing them since the very last week of December 2015 'til the 2nd week of January 2016. They mean a lot to me. I may not have written the greatest poem ever, but I believe that whoever may have the chance to read them, they'll be able to embrace the sincerest expression and intention of the writer. Behind those words patterned in its required structure and form, there dwells a story that could change a lonely world! To God be all the glory!

Friday, January 15, 2016


(A Monumental Poesy for My Family)

Of all the beautiful gifts that I’ve received,
They’re incomparable and more precious than jewels
I may not be able to write the loveliest poem for my kindred,
My heart can assure it shall utter words worth more than a thousand epistles!

One lovely couple met underneath the shade of the moonlight,
Confessed their love for each other, believed ‘love at first sight’
Through thick and thin, with delight, they fulfilled their vows,
Yielded seven beloved fruits and built a well-founded house

The clock took the moment to cease its time,
Like there’s no end, but endless days
The waters blew its cold breeze into the terrain,
Yet love made a way, gave its warmth in solace

They never knew what the future holds,
But as long as they had each other, greater things seemed to unfold
Time passed by and the esteemed picture frame faded,
Some things changed and that’s inevitable, I learned

The offspring grew healthy, wise and auspicious,
But Ma and Pa, in conflict, became suspicious
Jealousy seemed to hold sway, building lofty fences,
When would the battle halt, and them – accepting second chances?

‘Til it was my earnest prayer to the Almighty,
And God answered my plea, in a turn He alone knows the reason
Though Pa’s not at home habitually, he always has it inside me,
They’re friends, but when they’ll be the same before again?

Amidst all my family’s ups and downs,
We never left each other’s arms
Every step of the way, every hour of every day,
Love gathers our hearts in ways too far for words can say

I believe one day inside a church where God sees and hears,
Where hymns of praise and His lovely presence dwells
He will fulfill what He has promised and move remarkably,
That me and my whole family shall come with joy completely.

The waiting meets the promise... and forever live in bliss.



A misty pathway shrouds what tomorrow brings,
But behind me are the timeless myriad learnings
Amidst life’s stormy winds and raging seas,
On the other side of the lake dwell anchored hope and undying peace

Teach me life’s brevity to number my days,
‘Cause time is like a wind that passes and does not return
Like a flower that blooms and withers soon,
Like a morning mist that appears and vanishes away

Tho’, man’s glory is found in every time he rises,
There’s a rainbow after the storm advances
Those weary eyes will see the splendor of the silver linings,
‘Cause after all, he could still have new beginnings.

Tears fell from burning cheeks were doubtlessly enough,
They, indeed, are treasured like refined diamonds in the eyes of God
Torn clothes, you wore, this journey had brought about,
 Now put on the new self, put the old one off

Learn from the past, prepare for the future,
But the present is as important for us to reassure
Press on toward the goal of winning the prize,
‘Cause a new door has been opened of opportunities that’ll never die.



A filthy garment she always wore,
Nothing to boast, not even a coin
Through muddy paths this lady trudged,
Dreamt of a life where sorrows are gone

Tears would flow from those lovely eyes,
Like a stream of water these diamonds slipped by
Hope was as flimsy as a needle could be,
When would a banquet invite her to feast?

One day, as she held a hefty jar of clay,
A good-looking man approached and made the day
He wore a royal robe with a majestic crest on his head,
“What brought you here, Your Highness?” she said.

She never knew that love had won her
How impossible a prince would fell in love with a pauper?
Though rugged she looked, he said, “You’re beautiful”
More than a fairy tale story this romantic moment did befall!

The time had come for the Bridegroom to unite with the Bride,
At all turns he never left her side
Though she’s undeserving and bore the stench of her history,
This weary woman is not the bride that he sees

Remember the day when God left the splendor of Heaven
Oh, how can it be that the King would die for men?
Amidst guilt and shame that all of us bear,
He shall clothe us with white robes to proclaim we are His forever!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

'A Thousand Moments inside the Bottle'
Journal Journey #4

     Character sketching is like walking on a shore, grasping the fresh breeze of the ocean while trudging on the countless sands. 'Til I found a bottle pushed by the waves toward the seaside. It had a blank piece of paper inside. Well, just have to write a monologue and try reminiscing a person - her character and personality. Oh, this scenario just made my writing a bit fancy. Character sketching revealed how much I recognize a particular person; how she talked, her expressions and attributes.  How profound is my knowledge on portraying him/her? Shall I be able to illustrate the persona without going beyond the boundaries? Thanks to this kind of writing activity! This help me develop more of painting a character's being on a canvas in a vivid way. Moreover, it's an essential note for me to learn more of point-of-views. The taste of a writing  varies because of this skill. 
    I chose my mother for the reason that I just love how she unveils her personality no matter how strange someone could be to her. Yet words are not enough for description. I even could give a mere glimpse of her. All that I can say is she's the best! I couldn't ask for more. I do love how she perceives the world. There's a treasure chest of wisdom inside our home because of her. Hope I had shown her in the monologue vividly. This is just the beginning of cultivating my skill. Inspiration is indeed a good motivation in writing. In a case, you could thought that your papers are not enough to put all your descriptions of a person. 

Now that I'm done writing the monologue on the paper, I should put it back inside the bottle. There are countless moments written on it. But I won't throw the bottle into the sea, no. I should keep it. The waves gave it to me, but it's God who sent. Haay, another activity was through. But there's a lot more! Thanks to Professor Montallana for these worthwhile activites! God bless us all! #CharacterSketch #MoreThanWords