Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Original Work # 6
(One-Act Play)


  A Play in One Act
  Jeff Harold Uy


Amor:   a beautiful but an unfortunate woman, whose parents died when she was just a child
The King:  the handsome ruler of Paradise; found himself in-loved with Amor
Royal Coachman: driver of the royal horse-drawn carriage
Earl of Paradise: member of the nobility
Duke of Paradise: ruling over a duchy or a member of the nobility
Master: Amor’s master who ill-treated her kindness

Various locations around Paradise.

                                     Early Kingdoms.


Scene 1

At the Uztech squares.

Narrator: The earth owned the richest place called Paradise. Among its neighboring kingdoms, fame covered the land and its people possessed incomparable treasuries. Everything was perfect for Paradise. But the other side of this fertile land dwelt a meek lady who hoped for a reap in her barren life.
(Open curtains, Amor is seen carrying out heavy trades; some of the townsfolk who arrive teased and laughed at her)
Amor: Sir! Sir! Here are the relics you ordered yesterday. We kept that safe and did reconditions so that the people of Paradise would like it.
Chap: I’m sorry dear. But I already bought some, earlier than you did. Better if you find another punter for your relics.
(Amor is disheartened but insisted to follow the chap)
Towns man 1: Oh, how pity. A woman with a garment like a filthy rag. No one would ever dare to negotiate with her.
Towns man 2: I heard that her parents died even before she got the opportunity to know them. How life is unfair on her state.
Towns man 1: Assuredly, the future would turn away from her desires. Come on, let us not waste our time talking about her pennilessness.
(Amor heard them; tears fall from her eyes while talking to herself)
Amor: I would rather die than breathe the air of this hopeless world! Do heavens regret the day of my birth? Who will take me out from this mud and make me believe that there’s a beautiful side of living?
(She runs away from the crowd and headed for home)
Scene 2

At Amor’s room, in the deep of the night.
(Transition: An act of Amor’s dream)
Narrator: One night, in the deep kip of Amor, she dreamt of a banquet. In her dream, people seemed to dance and rejoice in an endless day, and the harmonious tune echoed inside the hall.
(She is on the corner, hearing the cheers of the people)
Amor: Madam, madam! What’s happening here?
Woman: Don’t you know? The day has come for them to unite!
Amor: And who are ‘they’ that palace awaits?
Kinfolks: Oh rejoice, you people of Paradise, we say rejoice!
(The door of the court is opened, and a royal carriage as magnificent as a gold state coach wondrously arrives)
Royal Guards: Here comes the carriage!
(The cheers get even louder)
(Flowers start falling from above and a lovely musical ensemble begins hovering around the hall)
Royal Coachman: “Give way to the King and the…”
(Amor’s dream suddenly ends. She is seen waking up in confusion and disappointment)
Amor: T’was a lovely dream. But, what was it all about? And why the words, I haven’t heard them entirely. Oh, hope is as flimsy as a needle could be. When would a real banquet invite me to feast?
(The master knocked heatedly knocked the door)
Master: “Amor! Oh come on, you still have plenty of jars to lift! Don’t be so slothful! Move fast ‘cause the punters are waiting for them!”
(She, then, fixes her bedstead)
Amor: “Yes, master.”

Scene 3
At the palace.
(The king is seen having conversation with the duke and the earl of the palace)
Duke: Your father failed his promise before in finding you a princess to be your wife. And since, you are now the king, you should have a spouse to help you in ruling Paradise.
King: My father did his finest dominance in this kingdom. And you’re right, I should find my queen.
Earl: But you’re still young, and I’m afraid that you might be not matured enough in having this concern.
King: Trust me. I have my father’s wellspring of wisdom.
Duke: You should look a princess.
Earl: I know you well! Do what your father said.
Duke: Shall we go and declare the order?
King: No. I mean, I should go, with you.
Earl: What? Stay here, your highness. It’s our job, in fact.
Duke: His desire should be granted. Just tell us what we need to do, your highness.
King: Prepare the carriage!

Scene 4
At the plaza where the modest citizens buy and sell)
(Amor is on the crowd, lifting heavy clay jars)
Narrator: The coachman lost his way while going to the east side of the land. The royal carriage unexpectedly went through the plaza. The sound of a horse-drawn vehicle began ringing out. Then, suddenly, the people began kneeling down.
Towns man 1: The king is here!
Towns man 2: What is he doing here? This place is not appropriate for his royal robes!
Towns man 3: Didn’t he find his would-be wife outside the courts of Paradise?  Well, he’s not too young already to have one.
(The king looked outside through the window)
King: Where are we now?
Coachman: Oh, your highness. I still have to figured out. We entered the wrong way. This place isn’t appropriate for the royalty. We’ll make the carriage run fast. Hold on, your highness.
Narrator: While Amor was diligently carrying the jar, she put it on the side of the road for a while, expecting for the punter to come. However, the royal carriage accidentally thumped its wheel to the jar, leaving it broken.
Amor: Hey! Hey! Come back, you merciless vehicle!
(She runs after the carriage. The king hears the yell of Amor and halts the carriage)
(Amor breathes heavily after an exhausting running.
Amor: Hey! You must be held accountable with those broken jars!
Coachman: Oh, I apologize miss. But we’re in a hurry. We’ll be back sooner and will pay immediately for the damage.
Amor: Aha! I don’t need your money. I need justice! Justice!
(The king laughs hearing Amor’s reply. He goes outside from the carriage. And with his first glance at Amor, he’s totally captured by her beauty while staring at her)
Amor: And, who are you? No, back to the conversation you – (cuts her off)
Coachman: He’s the king, Miss.
(Amor is shocked. She immediately apologized for her misconduct)
Amor: Oh, your highness. Forgive me. I have no idea about these things. Ah, I think I should go.
(The king grabs her hand, but Amor retrieves)
Amor: Your highness, your clean hands. Never touch me, ‘cause I’m muddy. You must be on your way.  
King: What’s your name, beautiful lady?
Amor: I’m not even worthy to say any word to the King. But may I find favor in your eyes. I am Amor, your highness” she replied.
King: What a lovely name, Amor.
Amor: What brought you here, your highness?
King: I am looking for my wife/
Amor: Is she lost? May I know, your highness, if how long has she been out from the palace?
King: She’s not lost now, ‘cause I already found her.
Amor: Found her? Then why aren’t you going back to the palace?
King: ’Cause I still have to bring her, with me.
Amor: Who’s her?”
King: Her name is… Amor. And I will do everything just to have her.
Amor: What do you mean, your highness? Do we have the same name?
King: No. I mean… Amor please come with me. You do not belong here. I have prepared something much better just for you.
Amor: Your highness, I’m just a filthy rug with nowhere else to go. I don’t have articles of gold nor jewels or a citadel.  I am not worthy even just to touch the end of your robe.
King: Don’t you know, Amor? I could still remember. One night, I dreamt of you, you exactly, with me. It was a great celebration!
Amor: With due respect, I don’t know what you’re talking about, your highness.
King: Amor, I know God sent me to you. My love doesn’t see what you don’t have. It sees what you have, inside your heart.
Amor: But, your highness, I…
King: I don’t care. What’s all I know is that I already found you, my beloved. Now come and be with me.
Amor: The only thing that I could give is this contrite heart I have since I was a child.
King: Then I’ll ask it from you. Will you?
(Tears flow from Amor’s eyes. She looks up and sees the heavens’ joy)
Amor: From now on, my heart belongs to you, my king.
King: You don’t want to go for a ride, do you?
(Amor smiles. They go inside the royal carriage)
(The coachman rejoices and begins riding towards the palace)

Scene 5
At the palace courts.
Narrator: And the king brought Amor to the palace and commanded the heralds to announce to the whole Paradise that he already has his lady and the search was already over. The wedding day arrived and the two confessed their love for each other. Indeed, that was the most romantic day happened on the land, ever!
Kinfolks: Oh rejoice, you people of Paradise, we say rejoice!
(The door of the court is opened, and a royal carriage as magnificent as a gold state coach wondrously arrives)
Royal Guards: Here comes the carriage!
(The cheers get even louder)
(Flowers start falling from above and a lovely musical ensemble begins hovering around the hall)
Royal Coachman: “Give way to the King and the Queen! Longlive the newlyweds!”
(Inside the carriage)
Amor: This was just my dream.
King: Now it’s real, Amor. The picture of the past already faded. You’re with me, now. Let’s see the world together with my love for you forever.
Amor: I love you, my king.
King: I love you more, my queen, Amor.

Narrator: Amor knew that love had won her. How impossible a prince would fell in love with a pauper? Though rugged she looked, the king said, “You’re beautiful!” More than a fairy tale story this romantic moment did befall.
(All people of Paradise rejoice. Everybody celebrates through singing and dancing like in an endless days)
And they live happily ever after!

(Close curtains)

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