Monday, March 14, 2016

Journal Journey # 12

I’ll begin with a one-item examination. What is the BEST THING you can do at this very moment of your life?
a. study so hard so you could be the top of the class
b. join more business and networking to have more gains
c. go abroad and visit world class tourist spots
d. buy cosmetic products for a smooth and whiten skin

So what is that ‘THING’ that you can best do while living on earth? 

Paul was a man of a great example. He knew the true meaning of living. Though he wasn’t the emperor at that time, the wealthiest man or the famous (billionaire, PBB housemate, or love team), yet he was the happiest and joyous man in his time! Why? What do you think could be the reasons? Who brought him that priceless joy that changed his life? Ladies and gentlemen, let’s discover the true meaning of living and the ways we could live worthily.

5 Ways for a Life Worth Living
(Acts 20:17-35)
1.       Consider your ‘world’ (vv. 17-18)
-         There’s no place like home. Thus, you can start sharing the Gospel in your home with your family. “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household” [Acts 16:31]. The moment you’ve witnessed to them, you too have given them the key to eternal life.
-         Be a blessing unto them. But also be aware of everything that we say because “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness” [James 3:9].  The tongue, even though among the smallest of all the members of the body (James 3:5) can do the most damage. “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every empty word they have spoken.” [Matthew 12:36]
-         Declare blessings, the word of a Godly man is powerful! [James 5:16]. God will shower His blessings into your house and will show His faithfulness all the days of your life.
-         [Hugot Kristiyano Picture]
-         Your world needs you now. Desire that you and your family will be together with the LORD forever in a paradise. And you will be the key for it!

2.      Serve the Lord (v. 19)
-         Do this with ‘great humility and with tears’. Leaders undergo through this essential process. Commit to the Lord Jesus that your life will be used as an instrument to tell the world about Him. Let your strength and talents be offered to serve Jesus. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms” [1 Peter 4:10].
-         When we talk about serving the Lord, it means us being His servant, and Him being our Master. Meaning, we own nothing because we owe everything to Him.
·         your beauty (Psalm 139:14)
·         your intelligence and wisdom (Genesis 1:26-27)
·         your wealth and success (1 Chronicles 29:12)
·         your talents and spiritual gifts (1 Peter 4:10)
·         your everything (Psalm 24:1)
-         Pstr. Erl said, “Saan mo ipapagamit ang iyong pag-iisip, pagsasalita, mga gawa at ang iyong talents, ito ba’y para sa pakinabang ng mundo o sa pakinabang para sa nagbigay ng lahat ng ito? Ang nagbabait-baitan napupunta sa langit-langitan!”
-         Those who serve the LORD faithfully will receive the Master’s reward with the words,” Well done, my good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21)
-         When God gives you a talent, he expects you to use it. It’s like a muscle. If you use it, it will grow. If you don’t, you’ll lose it. If you have a talent but are afraid to use it, or if you get lazy and don’t use it to benefit others, you’re going to lose it. Like the parable of the ten talents in Luke 19, if you don’t use what God has given you, he will take it away and give it to someone else who will.
-         But if you use your talents wisely, God will give you more. If you use your time wisely, God will give you more time. If you use your energy wisely, God will give you more energy. If you use your influence wisely, God will increase your influence. God will bless your level of faithfulness.
-         [Hugot Kristiyano picture]

3.      Shout His Fame (vv. 20-21)
-         Jesus said, “Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven” [Matthew 10:32]. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone!
-         In the conversations you have with your friends, who do you think is the center? Is it the trending artist or celebrities right now? Latest issues or gadgets?
-         [Hugot Kristiyano picture]
-         Be not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God! [Romans 1:16] Don’t be hesitant because “God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline [2 Timothy 1:7]
-         Like the apostle of Christ, Paul publicly shared Jesus even from house to house, asking them to repent and have faith in Jesus! What motivated him? It was to glorify God more than anything else. He was ready to sacrifice his life just to put smile on God’s face J
-         How about you? How courageous you are in sharing and acknowledging Jesus to the world?

4.      Embracing the Holy Spirit (v. 22)
-         Do you know that you have a TRUE FRIEND who never leaves you, instead goes with you always? Holy Spirit is His name [John 14:15-18]. He always directs you to the road that leads to life. In Him you’ll find comfort and empowerment you’ve never experienced before. Want to know why famous evangelists and pastors won souls all over the world?  It’s because of the Holy Spirit.
-         Hear Him speaking and feel Him guiding. Remember, the disciples saved thousands of souls and performed many miracles because they were filled with God’s Spirit! With Him, nothing will be impossible with you.
-         Being filled with Spirit means we forget "imitation." Think "impartation." Think filling. Think fullness. Don’t imitate other Christians. Instead imitate Christ and have the impartation of the Holy Spirit [Ephesians 5:1].
-         [Hugot Kristiyano picture]

5.      Praise God at all times! (v. 23)
-         Jesus said, “If they persecuted My, they will also persecute you also. If they obeyed My teaching, they will obey yours also” [John 15:20]. We will face hardships, persecutions and all kinds of trials. But take heart because Jesus has overcome the world! [John 16:33]. And if you persevere and stood the test, you will receive he crown of life God has promised to those who love Him! [James 1:12].
-         In all ups and downs, pray and praise God! Know the cost of your citizenship [Philippians 3:20]. The secret of endurance is this: your hardship is just temporary but your reward is eternal!

You have a reason to live. You have a reason to breathe. Start living for Christ! ^_^

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