Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Original Work # 6
(One-Act Play)


  A Play in One Act
  Jeff Harold Uy


Amor:   a beautiful but an unfortunate woman, whose parents died when she was just a child
The King:  the handsome ruler of Paradise; found himself in-loved with Amor
Royal Coachman: driver of the royal horse-drawn carriage
Earl of Paradise: member of the nobility
Duke of Paradise: ruling over a duchy or a member of the nobility
Master: Amor’s master who ill-treated her kindness

Various locations around Paradise.

                                     Early Kingdoms.


Scene 1

At the Uztech squares.

Narrator: The earth owned the richest place called Paradise. Among its neighboring kingdoms, fame covered the land and its people possessed incomparable treasuries. Everything was perfect for Paradise. But the other side of this fertile land dwelt a meek lady who hoped for a reap in her barren life.
(Open curtains, Amor is seen carrying out heavy trades; some of the townsfolk who arrive teased and laughed at her)
Amor: Sir! Sir! Here are the relics you ordered yesterday. We kept that safe and did reconditions so that the people of Paradise would like it.
Chap: I’m sorry dear. But I already bought some, earlier than you did. Better if you find another punter for your relics.
(Amor is disheartened but insisted to follow the chap)
Towns man 1: Oh, how pity. A woman with a garment like a filthy rag. No one would ever dare to negotiate with her.
Towns man 2: I heard that her parents died even before she got the opportunity to know them. How life is unfair on her state.
Towns man 1: Assuredly, the future would turn away from her desires. Come on, let us not waste our time talking about her pennilessness.
(Amor heard them; tears fall from her eyes while talking to herself)
Amor: I would rather die than breathe the air of this hopeless world! Do heavens regret the day of my birth? Who will take me out from this mud and make me believe that there’s a beautiful side of living?
(She runs away from the crowd and headed for home)
Scene 2

At Amor’s room, in the deep of the night.
(Transition: An act of Amor’s dream)
Narrator: One night, in the deep kip of Amor, she dreamt of a banquet. In her dream, people seemed to dance and rejoice in an endless day, and the harmonious tune echoed inside the hall.
(She is on the corner, hearing the cheers of the people)
Amor: Madam, madam! What’s happening here?
Woman: Don’t you know? The day has come for them to unite!
Amor: And who are ‘they’ that palace awaits?
Kinfolks: Oh rejoice, you people of Paradise, we say rejoice!
(The door of the court is opened, and a royal carriage as magnificent as a gold state coach wondrously arrives)
Royal Guards: Here comes the carriage!
(The cheers get even louder)
(Flowers start falling from above and a lovely musical ensemble begins hovering around the hall)
Royal Coachman: “Give way to the King and the…”
(Amor’s dream suddenly ends. She is seen waking up in confusion and disappointment)
Amor: T’was a lovely dream. But, what was it all about? And why the words, I haven’t heard them entirely. Oh, hope is as flimsy as a needle could be. When would a real banquet invite me to feast?
(The master knocked heatedly knocked the door)
Master: “Amor! Oh come on, you still have plenty of jars to lift! Don’t be so slothful! Move fast ‘cause the punters are waiting for them!”
(She, then, fixes her bedstead)
Amor: “Yes, master.”

Scene 3
At the palace.
(The king is seen having conversation with the duke and the earl of the palace)
Duke: Your father failed his promise before in finding you a princess to be your wife. And since, you are now the king, you should have a spouse to help you in ruling Paradise.
King: My father did his finest dominance in this kingdom. And you’re right, I should find my queen.
Earl: But you’re still young, and I’m afraid that you might be not matured enough in having this concern.
King: Trust me. I have my father’s wellspring of wisdom.
Duke: You should look a princess.
Earl: I know you well! Do what your father said.
Duke: Shall we go and declare the order?
King: No. I mean, I should go, with you.
Earl: What? Stay here, your highness. It’s our job, in fact.
Duke: His desire should be granted. Just tell us what we need to do, your highness.
King: Prepare the carriage!

Scene 4
At the plaza where the modest citizens buy and sell)
(Amor is on the crowd, lifting heavy clay jars)
Narrator: The coachman lost his way while going to the east side of the land. The royal carriage unexpectedly went through the plaza. The sound of a horse-drawn vehicle began ringing out. Then, suddenly, the people began kneeling down.
Towns man 1: The king is here!
Towns man 2: What is he doing here? This place is not appropriate for his royal robes!
Towns man 3: Didn’t he find his would-be wife outside the courts of Paradise?  Well, he’s not too young already to have one.
(The king looked outside through the window)
King: Where are we now?
Coachman: Oh, your highness. I still have to figured out. We entered the wrong way. This place isn’t appropriate for the royalty. We’ll make the carriage run fast. Hold on, your highness.
Narrator: While Amor was diligently carrying the jar, she put it on the side of the road for a while, expecting for the punter to come. However, the royal carriage accidentally thumped its wheel to the jar, leaving it broken.
Amor: Hey! Hey! Come back, you merciless vehicle!
(She runs after the carriage. The king hears the yell of Amor and halts the carriage)
(Amor breathes heavily after an exhausting running.
Amor: Hey! You must be held accountable with those broken jars!
Coachman: Oh, I apologize miss. But we’re in a hurry. We’ll be back sooner and will pay immediately for the damage.
Amor: Aha! I don’t need your money. I need justice! Justice!
(The king laughs hearing Amor’s reply. He goes outside from the carriage. And with his first glance at Amor, he’s totally captured by her beauty while staring at her)
Amor: And, who are you? No, back to the conversation you – (cuts her off)
Coachman: He’s the king, Miss.
(Amor is shocked. She immediately apologized for her misconduct)
Amor: Oh, your highness. Forgive me. I have no idea about these things. Ah, I think I should go.
(The king grabs her hand, but Amor retrieves)
Amor: Your highness, your clean hands. Never touch me, ‘cause I’m muddy. You must be on your way.  
King: What’s your name, beautiful lady?
Amor: I’m not even worthy to say any word to the King. But may I find favor in your eyes. I am Amor, your highness” she replied.
King: What a lovely name, Amor.
Amor: What brought you here, your highness?
King: I am looking for my wife/
Amor: Is she lost? May I know, your highness, if how long has she been out from the palace?
King: She’s not lost now, ‘cause I already found her.
Amor: Found her? Then why aren’t you going back to the palace?
King: ’Cause I still have to bring her, with me.
Amor: Who’s her?”
King: Her name is… Amor. And I will do everything just to have her.
Amor: What do you mean, your highness? Do we have the same name?
King: No. I mean… Amor please come with me. You do not belong here. I have prepared something much better just for you.
Amor: Your highness, I’m just a filthy rug with nowhere else to go. I don’t have articles of gold nor jewels or a citadel.  I am not worthy even just to touch the end of your robe.
King: Don’t you know, Amor? I could still remember. One night, I dreamt of you, you exactly, with me. It was a great celebration!
Amor: With due respect, I don’t know what you’re talking about, your highness.
King: Amor, I know God sent me to you. My love doesn’t see what you don’t have. It sees what you have, inside your heart.
Amor: But, your highness, I…
King: I don’t care. What’s all I know is that I already found you, my beloved. Now come and be with me.
Amor: The only thing that I could give is this contrite heart I have since I was a child.
King: Then I’ll ask it from you. Will you?
(Tears flow from Amor’s eyes. She looks up and sees the heavens’ joy)
Amor: From now on, my heart belongs to you, my king.
King: You don’t want to go for a ride, do you?
(Amor smiles. They go inside the royal carriage)
(The coachman rejoices and begins riding towards the palace)

Scene 5
At the palace courts.
Narrator: And the king brought Amor to the palace and commanded the heralds to announce to the whole Paradise that he already has his lady and the search was already over. The wedding day arrived and the two confessed their love for each other. Indeed, that was the most romantic day happened on the land, ever!
Kinfolks: Oh rejoice, you people of Paradise, we say rejoice!
(The door of the court is opened, and a royal carriage as magnificent as a gold state coach wondrously arrives)
Royal Guards: Here comes the carriage!
(The cheers get even louder)
(Flowers start falling from above and a lovely musical ensemble begins hovering around the hall)
Royal Coachman: “Give way to the King and the Queen! Longlive the newlyweds!”
(Inside the carriage)
Amor: This was just my dream.
King: Now it’s real, Amor. The picture of the past already faded. You’re with me, now. Let’s see the world together with my love for you forever.
Amor: I love you, my king.
King: I love you more, my queen, Amor.

Narrator: Amor knew that love had won her. How impossible a prince would fell in love with a pauper? Though rugged she looked, the king said, “You’re beautiful!” More than a fairy tale story this romantic moment did befall.
(All people of Paradise rejoice. Everybody celebrates through singing and dancing like in an endless days)
And they live happily ever after!

(Close curtains)

Original Work # 5
(Short Story)

By Jeff Harold Uy

The earth owned the richest place called Paradise. Among its neighboring kingdoms, fame covered the land and its people possessed incomparable treasuries. A resplendent view of the countryside always captured the pilgrims. Trees planted on the streams of water yielded their fruits in season, and the livestock were as countless as the sand on the seashore. Whenever feasts held at the square, the folks, with their dazzling and glittering garbs, sang with the sounds of the cymbals and ten-stringed lyre. Floras swathes the ground, and the clatters of their adornment apprehends the avid ears of the townsfolk. Everything was perfect for Paradise. But the other side of this fertile land dwelt a meek lady who hoped for a reap in her barren life.

Amor, teased by her neighbors for being unfortunate, had nothing to boast not even a coin. She wore a filthy garment and found herself carrying out heavy trades just to earn a living, but that wasn’t enough. Her parents died even before she had the chance to know them. Only her uncle took the challenge of supporting her; however, he then rubbed out the hope Amor had by leaving her in the midst of the dimness of this life’s path. All of a sudden, nothing was left. The only thing that she had was time, and she waited for its end.
“I would rather die than breathe the air of this hopeless world! Do heavens regret the day of my birth? Who will take me out from this mud and make me believe that there’s a beautiful side of living?” she bellowed in despair.

One night, in the deep kip of Amor, she dreamt of a banquet. It seemed that people danced and rejoiced in an endless day. The harmonious tune echoed inside the hall.  She was on the corner, hearing the cheers of the people. ‘Til the door of the court was opened, and a royal carriage as magnificent as a gold state coach wondrously came.
“Give way to the King and the…” and she suddenly woke up. T’was a lovely dream but disrupted by the noise of a morning-work call. Amor didn’t even grasp the whole gist of her dream, and much to her disappointment she wasn’t able to hear the ample words of the royal charioteer.
“Hope is as flimsy as a needle could be. When would a banquet invite me to feast?” she said with a deep longing in her heart.
“Amor! Oh come on, you still have plenty of jars to lift! Don’t be so slothful! Move fast ‘cause the punters are waiting for them!” her master irritably exclaimed.
“Yes master,” she humbly replied.
Tears would flow from those lovely eyes, like a stream of water those diamonds slipped by. She took a deep breath and forgot her dream, like a fleeting shadow appeared momentarily.

While lifting those hefty jars of clay, the sound of a horse-drawn vehicle began ringing out. Then, suddenly, the people began kneeling down.
“The King is here!” one exclaimed.
“What is he doing here? This place is not appropriate for his royal robes!” a folk asked.
“Didn’t he find his would-be wife outside the courts of Paradise?  Well, he’s not too young already to have one,” a fellow said.

The royal charioteer lost his way while going to the east side of the land. The king looked from the window of the carriage, hoping to find her girl to-be. Well, the women who went to the courts never captured his heart, that’s why he tried looking for the girl on the other side of the world.

While Amor was diligently carrying the jar, she put it on the side of the road for a while, expecting for the punter to come. However, the royal carriage accidentally thumped its wheel to the jar, leaving it broken. Amor immediately run after the carriage and irately shouting to it in blame for what had happened.

The king heard the cry of Amor and told the charioteer to halt riding. He immediately went down and confirmed the matter, ‘til he saw Amor.  At one glance, he saw her beauty in an unfading moment. He couldn’t look to the right or to the left for his eyes were captured by Amor’s charm. She immediately knelt down and apologized for her misconduct.  But the king hadn’t said anything. As long as Amor’s captivating heart was displayed before him, he remained speechless. And finally, he had the courage to utter a word.
“What’s your name, beautiful lady?” he asked.
“I’m not even worthy to say any word to the King. But may I find favor in your eyes. I am Amor, your highness” she replied.
“What a lovely name, Amor.”
“What brought you here, your highness?”
“I am looking for my wife.”
“Is she lost? May I know, your highness, if how long has she been out from the palace?”
“She has never been lost, ‘cause I already found her.”
“Found her? Then why aren’t you going back to the palace?”
“’Cause I still have to bring her, with me.”
“Who’s her?”
“Her name is Amor. And I will do everything just to have her.”
“What do you mean, your highness?”
“Amor, please come with me. You do not belong here. I have prepared something much better just for you.”
“Your highness, I’m just a filthy rug with nowhere else to go. I don’t have articles of gold nor jewels or a citadel.  I am not worthy even just to touch the end of your robe!”
“Amor, I know God sent me to you. My love doesn’t see what you don’t have. It sees what you have, inside your heart.”
“But, your highness, I…”
“I don’t care. What’s all I know is that I already found you, my beloved. Now come and be with me. You don’t want to go for a ride, do you?”
“From now on, my heart belongs to you, my king.”
“Let’s see the world together with my love for you forever.”

And the king brought Amor to the palace and commanded the heralds to announce to the whole Paradise that he already has his lady and the search was already over. The wedding day arrived and the two confessed their love for each other. Indeed, that was the most romantic day happened on the land, ever!

Amor knew that love had won her. How impossible a prince would fell in love with a pauper? Though rugged she looked, the king said, “You’re beautiful!” More than a fairy tale story this romantic moment did befall. And though she’s undeserving and bore the stench of her history, this weary woman was not the bride that he saw. The banquet that she desired was incomparable to the royal banquet she had in reality. And the dream that Amor dreamt was not merely a dream. For it was her wedding day, with the charioteer exclaiming, “Give way to the King and the Queen! Long live the newlyweds!”

And they live happily ever after!

“Remember the day when God left the splendor of Heaven
Oh, how can it be that the King would die for men?
Amidst guilt and shame that all of us bear,
He shall clothe us with white robes to proclaim we are His forever!”

Original Work # 4
(Short Story)

By Jeff Harold Uy

It was a long busy day.  Minds were preoccupied by office works, which seemingly made the clock hold its affairs in every tick of its hand. No greetings nor a foretaste of smile drizzled on McKinley street, only harried faces. People considered the world as if it was a big screen projecting all the works needed to be accomplished, every single day.

Onetime, at the Alabaster Company, one of the renowned business companies in Illinois, a young noble salesman named Simon presented his transactions before the primary investors. He worked there for almost 3 years, and he was able to make a living. As expected, the board liked his presentation and scheduled for another business meeting for further concession.
Simon was awfully excited to tell the good news to her mother. That was already late-night when he was able to tread the ground of his beloved home.

“Oh, son. Where have you been? The dinner would have been splendid if you came early. But I prepared you a warm vegetable soup,” his mother said.
“Mom, I have something to tell you. The Alabaster Company may indorse me to be the branch head in Springfield! Isn’t that great?” Simon asked.
“How long would it take you there? How many days would I not be able to see you again? Don’t leave me again that long, Simon my son,” she replied.
“Don’t worry Mom. I’ll always have you in my video calls and mails. I may not be back that sooner, at least I could earn enough wage,” Simon insisted.
“If that what makes you happy, you have my support son,” his mother unhappily replied.

It was a very tiring day for Simon. He finalized his presentation for the business meeting tomorrow. And before he got the opportunity to lay his head, he received a call from a close friend.

“Hi Simon! This is Rachelle.”
“Rachelle, it’s nice to hear your voice again. What’s the news?”
“I would like to invite you on our book launch tomorrow. It’d be great if you come. And yeah, just share a word as a sort of an inspiration to all the buyers. Hope to see you! Have to go for now. Thank you!”
“But, Rachelle, Rachelle. Sill there? Nah, why did she ended the call instantly? Still to do a lot of things. Better to take some rest now.”

The sun rose for the new day. In full excitement, he left home without even saying any word to his mother. He got his car and began driving to Alabaster Company. But before he was able to present his final business report, someone called him on the phone. And this time, it wasn’t Rachelle, but his neighbor.
“Simon, your mother. We brought her to the hospital.”
“What?! W-w-hy? What happened to her?”
“She has been sick for almost a week. And early this morning, we visited to give her some tulip flowers from our garden. But as we entered the house, we found her lying on the ground. You need to be here immediately, Simon!”

Simon left the investors and the convention. He went to the hospital right away and checked his mom. The doctor told him that they still had to wait for the results. Then, Simon received a text message. It was Rachelle, telling him that the book launch had started already and a cluster of buyers were there waiting for him. Subsequently, he got a mail from his boss. He said that Simon had failed for his report, that he no longer would be able to retain his position of being a branch manager. Everything went lost. All his hopes and dreams became a fleeting shadow in just a blink of an eye. But what’s disheartening dwelt in knowing that his mother’s health was at stake.

Simon didn’t know what to do. It seemed that the silver lining was nowhere to be found and that he carried all the heavy burdens of the world. His mind was concealed in gloominess and he had no one to lean on to.

While waiting for the doctor, Simon looked through the gauzy glass window. His weary mind would desire to look for a pasture where he could find solace. And just few meters away, there was this seacoast that makes the splendid picture all-inclusive. Unpredictably, the dazzling crystals of the sea captured his attention. So, he went there and started taking his steps, leaving footprints on the sand. He grasped the fresh air offered by the shore and felt the calming atmosphere of the place.

He took steps onward, fondling the gentle cool waves through his feet. He thought,
“Where would this journey of life lead me? I am worn out with nowhere else to go. If I won’t find the stillness on this ground, I’ll look for it beneath the waters.”

He began immersing himself into the other side of the world, hoping to find a reason to breathe.  He swam deeper than he had ever gone before. All was quiet and wintry below. The little bitty fishes swam around him, and the waters unravel him melodies. It was a serene, slow-motion world. There was freedom from surface worries and tensions. He wanted to stay longer into that haven… but he couldn’t and shouldn’t. He hardly could breathe since he had stayed for minutes below. He heard the calling, the calling that he had to go back to the place where he left his hope. It wasn’t his home, and it must not be the end of himself but start of a new beginning.
                                                                                                                                                            The air grabbed him out of the deep waters. He reached for life and began going back. As he laid his head on the shore, he looked up and saw the heavens. Then, he said,
“Life is beautiful. And I’ve never realized that God is all I need until God is all I have. I should go back and face them… with Him at my side.”
He knelt down and began uttering a sincere prayer. Then, he went to the hospital though he seemed to be wet. Simon waited for the doctor, and finally he got the results.
“There’s no reason for you to worry. Your mother is okay now. She just needs to have enough rest. And you can see her now. By the way, here are the prescriptions,” the doctor said.
“Thank God! That’s a good news doctor! Oh, I would love to hear her voice again!” Simon replied.
So he entered the room, and talked to her mother. He apologized and promised to remain on her side no matter what. A tear fell from her mother’s eyes and they hugged each other. After some moments, a lady entered the room with fruits and vegies. It was Rachelle.
“I heard about the news and I feel sorry about your mom.”
“I apologize for not attending the book launch and for se – “
“No, no, don’t apologize. Your mom needs you the most. And I admire how you have responded to all these things.”
“Well, God has rescued me from my drowning. And even though these trials took my job and the opportunities out there, I know that He’s still in control.”
“Your job? I never heard anything about it, but you’re really tough Simon. You’re an inspiration.”

The miracle of Simon’s faith didn’t end there. That night, he received a mail from his boss. He heard about the emergency and understood Simon’s situation. Another chance was given to him, and the rescheduling of the presentation became possible. Simon did better at the second time and impressed the investors. He was promoted; and as he promised, he remained in Illinois for his mother. Simon also had the opportunity to accept Rachelle’s invitation for the second book launching. There, he spoke before the crowd and testified about his own story. And to their surprise, he presented to them his new published book inspired by his testimony, entitled - “Underneath”.

All the challenges Simon encountered in his life were actually blessings in disguise. He reaped the fruit of his faith. He thought that he was drowning in a sea of frustrations and problems.  But the truth was that Simon, in his voyage, was drenching in God’s favor and grace. Hope was still visible, victory was even possible and His voice was even so audible… underneath. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

A Powerful Weapon to Change the World
Writing is like swimming. At first, we thought of it as an easy thing to do, that when we try moving our hands against the current of the water we confidently say, "I am swimming!" - but not. The process is crucial but rewarding. That's why, this macro-skill has the potential of revealing to us our strengths and weaknesses - if in our trying we end to be drowned, but at the end we can already levitate and do freestyles. 


Like a seed, we need to grow. As far as I am concerned, assessing my ability to write is as crucial as refining a gold. Often times, whenever I compose something, I say, "maybe, this is enough. I'm already okay with this." Obviously, I wasn't thinking about if that was really enough! Hence, in writing, I could discover my own character and use that skill to build something that could be beneficial to anyone.


I should look for writing modules, online articles or book resources. There are standardized way of composing works effectively. Furthermore, I could refer and reflect with the following questions:
- Do I love what I am doing?
- Have I given my best?
- Are the principles in writing applied?
- Did I cross over the line?
- Am I creative enough?

Now! Now is the right time to assess myself. I should look for opportunities to enhance my writing skills. Well I could have the following:
- self-study
- tutorial / workshop
- do blogs and continue composing
- activate confidence
- pray to God and ask His guidance


I could still remember the bumper sticker activity we had with Prof. Motallana. Also the surfer standing on a seashore, the diver, the 3 literary works and many more. These activities made me realized that I have a lot of things to write! As long as man breathes and story exists, there's a reason to write them down. A countless compositions before and at the present have truly changed the world and the course of history. 
And I believe, because of writing, I have also the potential in changing the world and making a difference - that's how I see myself in the future. God created the hands not jut to hold something but to write something. As you can see, even the background picture of my blog says, "YOU MAKE AN IMPACT".
Life is so beautiful, and we know it. Let's live life worthy of our calling. Thanks to Creative Writing. Thanks to Prof. Mae Saschiel Montallana. Another journey has begun! Now I am ready to change the world!

Journal Journey # 12

I’ll begin with a one-item examination. What is the BEST THING you can do at this very moment of your life?
a. study so hard so you could be the top of the class
b. join more business and networking to have more gains
c. go abroad and visit world class tourist spots
d. buy cosmetic products for a smooth and whiten skin

So what is that ‘THING’ that you can best do while living on earth? 

Paul was a man of a great example. He knew the true meaning of living. Though he wasn’t the emperor at that time, the wealthiest man or the famous (billionaire, PBB housemate, or love team), yet he was the happiest and joyous man in his time! Why? What do you think could be the reasons? Who brought him that priceless joy that changed his life? Ladies and gentlemen, let’s discover the true meaning of living and the ways we could live worthily.

5 Ways for a Life Worth Living
(Acts 20:17-35)
1.       Consider your ‘world’ (vv. 17-18)
-         There’s no place like home. Thus, you can start sharing the Gospel in your home with your family. “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household” [Acts 16:31]. The moment you’ve witnessed to them, you too have given them the key to eternal life.
-         Be a blessing unto them. But also be aware of everything that we say because “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness” [James 3:9].  The tongue, even though among the smallest of all the members of the body (James 3:5) can do the most damage. “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every empty word they have spoken.” [Matthew 12:36]
-         Declare blessings, the word of a Godly man is powerful! [James 5:16]. God will shower His blessings into your house and will show His faithfulness all the days of your life.
-         [Hugot Kristiyano Picture]
-         Your world needs you now. Desire that you and your family will be together with the LORD forever in a paradise. And you will be the key for it!

2.      Serve the Lord (v. 19)
-         Do this with ‘great humility and with tears’. Leaders undergo through this essential process. Commit to the Lord Jesus that your life will be used as an instrument to tell the world about Him. Let your strength and talents be offered to serve Jesus. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms” [1 Peter 4:10].
-         When we talk about serving the Lord, it means us being His servant, and Him being our Master. Meaning, we own nothing because we owe everything to Him.
·         your beauty (Psalm 139:14)
·         your intelligence and wisdom (Genesis 1:26-27)
·         your wealth and success (1 Chronicles 29:12)
·         your talents and spiritual gifts (1 Peter 4:10)
·         your everything (Psalm 24:1)
-         Pstr. Erl said, “Saan mo ipapagamit ang iyong pag-iisip, pagsasalita, mga gawa at ang iyong talents, ito ba’y para sa pakinabang ng mundo o sa pakinabang para sa nagbigay ng lahat ng ito? Ang nagbabait-baitan napupunta sa langit-langitan!”
-         Those who serve the LORD faithfully will receive the Master’s reward with the words,” Well done, my good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21)
-         When God gives you a talent, he expects you to use it. It’s like a muscle. If you use it, it will grow. If you don’t, you’ll lose it. If you have a talent but are afraid to use it, or if you get lazy and don’t use it to benefit others, you’re going to lose it. Like the parable of the ten talents in Luke 19, if you don’t use what God has given you, he will take it away and give it to someone else who will.
-         But if you use your talents wisely, God will give you more. If you use your time wisely, God will give you more time. If you use your energy wisely, God will give you more energy. If you use your influence wisely, God will increase your influence. God will bless your level of faithfulness.
-         [Hugot Kristiyano picture]

3.      Shout His Fame (vv. 20-21)
-         Jesus said, “Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven” [Matthew 10:32]. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone!
-         In the conversations you have with your friends, who do you think is the center? Is it the trending artist or celebrities right now? Latest issues or gadgets?
-         [Hugot Kristiyano picture]
-         Be not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God! [Romans 1:16] Don’t be hesitant because “God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline [2 Timothy 1:7]
-         Like the apostle of Christ, Paul publicly shared Jesus even from house to house, asking them to repent and have faith in Jesus! What motivated him? It was to glorify God more than anything else. He was ready to sacrifice his life just to put smile on God’s face J
-         How about you? How courageous you are in sharing and acknowledging Jesus to the world?

4.      Embracing the Holy Spirit (v. 22)
-         Do you know that you have a TRUE FRIEND who never leaves you, instead goes with you always? Holy Spirit is His name [John 14:15-18]. He always directs you to the road that leads to life. In Him you’ll find comfort and empowerment you’ve never experienced before. Want to know why famous evangelists and pastors won souls all over the world?  It’s because of the Holy Spirit.
-         Hear Him speaking and feel Him guiding. Remember, the disciples saved thousands of souls and performed many miracles because they were filled with God’s Spirit! With Him, nothing will be impossible with you.
-         Being filled with Spirit means we forget "imitation." Think "impartation." Think filling. Think fullness. Don’t imitate other Christians. Instead imitate Christ and have the impartation of the Holy Spirit [Ephesians 5:1].
-         [Hugot Kristiyano picture]

5.      Praise God at all times! (v. 23)
-         Jesus said, “If they persecuted My, they will also persecute you also. If they obeyed My teaching, they will obey yours also” [John 15:20]. We will face hardships, persecutions and all kinds of trials. But take heart because Jesus has overcome the world! [John 16:33]. And if you persevere and stood the test, you will receive he crown of life God has promised to those who love Him! [James 1:12].
-         In all ups and downs, pray and praise God! Know the cost of your citizenship [Philippians 3:20]. The secret of endurance is this: your hardship is just temporary but your reward is eternal!

You have a reason to live. You have a reason to breathe. Start living for Christ! ^_^